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CyberUSA Background
CyberUSA was formed in 2016 when seven different state wide cyber communities come together to share information. Our goal was, and is, to coordinate public and private efforts across different states and communities to ensure American leadership in cybersecurity by shaping the education, innovation, and policy landscapes at both the state and federal levels.
In 2024 we renewed our commitment to coordinating cyber defense in the face of growing cyberthreats. This non-profit “community of communities” is governed by its members, established to enhance information sharing between states and improve cyber resilience at all levels of participation — local, regional and national.
Career Highlights — Executive Team
Adam Rak
Adam Rak is a seasoned leader with over 30 years of experience in global government affairs, cybersecurity policy and technology policy. He has driven transformation for corporations, trade associations, government, including as an elected official. A sought-after speaker for cybersecurity and technology policy conferences, he has also provided expert analysis for BBC World News and other media outlets.
- Sr. Director, Public Affairs, Symantec — Led government relations, philanthropy, and global corporate responsibility. Built Symantec’s world wide policy program and oversaw its CSR initiatives, making it one of the first software companies to sign the UN Global Compact on corporate sustainability.
- Co-founder of multiple cybersecurity associations — Helped establish the Cyber Security Industry Alliance, Cyber Secure America, and CyberUSA.
- Regional Vice President, Silicon Valley, TechAmerica — Managed operations for the organization’s largest and most strategic market.
- Co-founder, Foundation for American Science and Technology (FAST) — Created to connect technologists and policymakers in advancing U.S. technology leadership.
- Sr. Director, Government Affairs, Trustwave — Built the company’s government affairs program from the ground up.
- Contributing author on a report recommending a Vulnerability Disclosure Framework for the National Infrastructure Advisory Council.
- Legislative Assistant to former Congresswoman Barbara Kennelly (D-CT).
- Elected official — Former Mayor and current Council Member of San Carlos, CA.
- Former Chair, Business Software Alliance (BSA) Policy Committee — Led global advocacy on anti-piracy and technology policy.
Phil Bond
Phil Bond is one of America’s most honored technology policy experts. A former US Undersecretary of Commerce for Technology, his 25-plusyear career in Washington has included numerous citations for his leadership roles in the Executive branch, on Capitol Hill, at major high technology companies, and associations.
- Served four years as undersecretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce for Technology and also served as chief of staff to Commerce Secretary Donald Evans
- Named to the Federal 100, the annual listing by Federal Computer Week of the most influential people in government technology
- Served as deputy chair of the World Information Technology and Services Alliance, a federation of more than 70 national technology associations around the world
- Named a Tech Titan in Washingtonian Magazine’s annual listing of tech leaders
- Recognized by Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper, as one of The Fabulous Fifty, a listing of the most powerful staff in Congress
- Served as senior vice president of Government Relations for Monster Worldwide, the world’s largest online career site, and general manager of Monster Government Solutions
- Served as director of federal public policy for the Hewlett-Packard Company
- Served as chief of staff to the late Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn (R-WA)
- Was principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for Legislative Affairs under then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney